Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Roles & Goals of the Southfield Public Library

The Strategy Group has identified the following roles of the library:
  1. Making Information Accessible
  2. Supporting Lifelong learning and literacy
  3. Complementing formal education
  4. Offering popular materials
  5. Promoting community connections
  6. Providing access to technology
The goals we've identified include:
  1. Public awareness
  2. Convenience
  3. Environment/Ambiance
More in depth descriptions of these roles & goals will be presented soon! We are working on creating objectives to aid us in completing the goals. They represent the final steps of our creation period. Then we'll have to develop a presentation for the board and 'sell' the plan to them. After that, I will make a big presentation to the whole staff.
Thanks to all who've helped steer this process!
- Dave

Value Statements

Progress continues on the LRP. We have reaffirmed the Value Statements created in the 2005 Strategic Plan, adding a fifth statement. They are as follows: We believe...

  • knowledge and information are vital to the quality of life.
  • reading gives people the power to improve their lives.
  • public service is our first priority.
  • public libraries are the foundation of a free society.
  • in fiscal & environmental responsibility to our community.